County Council Services

Address: Flintshire County Council, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire CH7 6NF.
General enquiries Tel: 01352 752121

Out of hours Emergencies:

Highways: 01352 780812
Housing and Property: 01352 763554
Any other emergencies 01352 753403/752948
Social Services: 0845 0533116 

Flintshire County Council's weekday office hours are: 8:30am - 5pm. The offices are closed at weekends.

Bulk Waste Collection Service for Larger Items:
Flintshire County Council offers a 'Bulk Collection' service for large items of furniture and excess garden waste, which is not regular weekly domestic waste.

Charges are as follows:
1-3 items - £15.00
Additional items, up to a maximum of 5 extra - £5.00 each
This is a free service (for some items) for householders in receipt of benefits.

If you have good furniture or appliances to dispose of, you may wish to offer them for Re-use (collected free of charge) by contacting "Refurbs Flintshire" on 01352 734111 or "Flintshire Furniture Recyclers" on 01352 762155

Fridges and Freezers are currently removed free of charge from all domestic premises.

Telephone enquiries can be made direct to the Queensferry depot on 01352 701234


You can now contact Flintshire County Council on a single telephone number 01352 701234 for any of the following services: 

Cleansing - Abandoned Vehicles, Dead animals on the Highway, Dog fouling, Fly-posting, Fly-tipping, Graffiti removal, Pest control, Discarded needles & syringes, Enforcement, for example, litter, dog fouling, Street cleaning - litter and leaves, Litter bins.

Waste - Recycling collections, Waste collection and disposal

Maintenance of Public toilets & car parks

Highways - Signs, Flooding, Maintenance, Gritting and snow clearing, Street furniture, fences, street lights, Street name signs, Grass cutting

Mancot Library

Mancot Lane, Mancot, Flintshire. Tel: 01244 532430

County Records Office

The Old Rectory, Rectory Lane, Hawarden. CH5 3NP Tel: 01244 532364

County Registrar

Llwynegrin Hall, Mold, Flintshire. Tel: 01352 703333